
Severe weather is something that Texas residents see every year. When your property has been affected by wind, hail or years of exposure to the elements, our team of experienced inspectors will come perform a complete property inspection free of charge. We value our reputation and believe in being upfront and honest. We will never recommend you file a frivolous claim to your insurance company if we do not find any damage. Our team has years of experience in both roofing and claims handling. We have inspected, reviewed, and estimated thousands of roof claims and have seen every type of possible roof damage. 

Click the “CONTACT US” button below to schedule your no obligation inspection by one of our experienced inspectors. 


At Grayson Beavers Roofing we are able to facilitate whatever your roofing needs may be. We take great pride in our quality of work and putting our name behind each project we complete is something we take seriously. We will not quit until you are satisfied with the restoration of your home.  We offer a wide range of roofing systems including composition shingles, synthetic composites, tile & low slope products. 


Whether the project is big or small, we have a team of roofing experts and consultants to make sure your commercial project is handled professionally and timely. We work with both low slope & steep slope products.

Emergency Services

Do you have any missing shingles or a leaking roof that needs immediate attention? We can have a roofer to your property the same day in most cases to install a tarp to mitigate your damages. Did you know that most insurance carriers will reimburse you for this expense when the damage is caused from a storm? Protecting the interior of your home from further damage is in the insurance carrier’s best interest as well. Do not hesitate when it comes to protecting your property and possessions. Contact us now and we will take immediate action to be there ASAP!


Use the button below to get in touch

or feel free to call us at (800) 204-9930